

musician, singer, songwriter, live performer. etc.

i was down for a bit

September 12th, 2017 + 10:09 PM  ·  toastedgoat

I am still recovering form surgery on my stomach muscles. I haven't been able to sing much. I finally was able to pull off a live gig last week. I'll start back on the recording stuff this week. See how it goes. I'm on a 10lb lift limit and no pushing to much. That effects my vocals a lot. I may have to put it off a bit longer if so.


April 6th, 2017 + 11:04 PM  ·  toastedgoat

I've got some great musicians I'm working with. We're doing covers and originals now. Ill post some stuff up after we get to laying down tracks.  in the meantime I'll do the cheezy stuff I do at home. lol


August 10th, 2020 + 4:08 PM  ·  toastedgoat

This is a scratch track of one of the songs I'm working on with the Iron Cowboy Band.  This was done in my home, I did the arrangement (still not done I have a middle eight swing section to add in).  I still have to add in steel guitar, acoustic guitar, piano, lead guitar , and backing vocals.  Mainly this is just a basic scratch track. Just thought I'd post it up to give ya'll a listen and maybe get some pointers.

Really edited

May 22nd, 2019 + 1:05 PM  ·  toastedgoat

vocals and lyrics,  edited vocals and did a bit of EQ to clean things up just slightly.


May 22nd, 2019 + 12:05 AM  ·  toastedgoat

Collab song, I did the vocals, and wrote the lyrics.  some editing and mixing too but not much.

Simple Recording Hacks That Will Save You

October 14th, 2017 + 4:10 AM  ·  toastedgoat

Post up your simple recording hacks, that could save a recording session, or writing project,   I will start off with two.

Redundancy, back up , everything in multiple locations.  Stuff happens, be careful when moving projects around though because sometimes the VSTI information will not transfer with the project, in that case save the settings within the VSTI, and copy that file over to your project file backups.

Second one.... write everything down on paper.  What mics were used where, what settings on the mics, what preamp,  and the gain levels, compressors and all their settings. I was able to pick up this hack from working on a couple of pro projects. We wrote down everything, including what plugins where used on what tracks, all their settings, the automation info, and any other pertinent information that might be needed. This hack just saved me on the song   I Stood By You.  I had everything written down, and was able to rebuild the song fairly close to what I had before I had the issues with the first version.

Anyways please post up any cool hacks you might have come across or learned that could save a project

I Stood By You some vox2

October 14th, 2017 + 3:10 AM  ·  toastedgoat

I have been rebuilding the song, man it took awhile to redo it.  I am now able to sing hopefully it is  ok. I still do not feel like I can really belt it out yet.  It will  take a year to heal up according to the Dr. 
anyway I have a bit more to do,  AC guitars, the rest of the vocals, I still have to rebuild all the back ground vocals for the middle and last chorus, plus the middle 8 break down.  I just wanted to post this , and see if you guys thought my vocals were doing ok in the verses.

Edit: Sorry for reposting just a short clip and not the finished product but, I would like some feedback on the vocals, and to see if you think I've got the music back close to what I had before I f'd it up.
Alias: toastedgoat
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